Contact Us
Martley CE Primary School is an academy within DoWMAT - Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust.
If you have any queries or would like to request a paper copy of any of the information from the school's website please contact the school office
The school office can be contacted on 01886 888201 between 08:00am - 16:00pm
Contact Information: Please use the information below to ensure that your question or comment reaches the correct person.
Jessica Owen/ Gabby Lewis (School Office) for general enquiries
Lucy Cox (Head of School and Designated Safeguarding Lead) for matters relating to teaching and learning and safeguarding
Sophie Smith (SENDCo) for matters relating to special educational needs and disabilities
If you have been in contact with the school and need to raise a matter with the Local Academy Board, Lisa Watson can be contacted through the school office: 01886 888201
Copies of our school policies are available on request and are free of charge. Please contact the school office to require a copy of any policy.
Martley CE Primary School DoWMAT,
Martley, Pack Barn,
Worcester, Main Road, Kempsey
WR6 6QA Worcestershire, WR5 3PA
Tel: 01886 888201 Tel: 01905 700803 Home | Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (